Proposed interim planning directive – visitor accommodation
Urgent update
The Association has produced a fact sheet that summarises the changes made by the Minister for Planning to the planning laws relating to visitor accommodation in Tasmania. The changes mean that visitor accommodation is now treated differently in Battery Point. We strongly urge you to read the document to become familiar with the changes and their possible impacts on Battery Point.
A copy of the fact sheet can be downloaded here.
There will be a PUBLIC MEETING ON THURSDAY 10 AUGUST AT 5.30 to discuss this issue. More information will be available closer to the event.
Original post
Last week, Minister Peter Gutwein announced an Interim Planning Directive for visitor accommodation in Tasmania.
The directive will come into effect on 1 July 2017 and has significant implications for Battery Point. From this date, self-contained visitor accommodation will be become permitted in the Inner Residential Zone in Battery Point Heritage Area BP1. This is a reversal of the long-standing position of the Hobart City Council and the community to prohibit self-contained visitor accommodation in Battery Point.
The ‘ban’ on self-contained visitor accommodation in Battery Point has been in place since the introduction of the Battery Point Planning Scheme in 1979 and was continued into the current Interim Hobart Planning Scheme. It was the intent of these schemes to ensure that in the Residential Zone, private, owner-occupied residential use is given first priority. To allow conversion of existing private residences to visitor accommodation was considered inconsistent with the tenor of the scheme as it could result in a significant change to the residential character of Battery Point.
In response to the proposed Interim Planning Directive, HCC Manager Planning Policy and Heritage James McIlhenny has prepared a memorandum (see attached) for the City Planning Committee, which meets on Tuesday 13 June. The memorandum outlines the implications of the Directive for Battery Point and recommends that:
The Lord Mayor write to the Minister for Planning and Local Government drawing attention to the implications of making self-contained visitor accommodation permitted in Battery Point and request that the proposed Interim Planning Directive not apply to Battery Point Heritage area BP1 under the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015.
A copy of the Hobart City Council memorandum can be downloaded here.
We are very concerned that the suggested policy change has been put forward without any consultation with Battery Point community members or the Hobart City Council and that its implementation is likely to have significant negative consequences for the suburb. The Committee supports the recommendation in the memorandum and urgently requests that the Minister exclude Battery Point from the proposed Interim Planning Directive.
If you have any comments or recommendations, please make them through the Contact link on the Association website or contact your local member.