Spring Get Together 2023

On a sunny October Sunday afternoon, the Battery Point Community Association celebrated its annual Spring Get Together in the Community Hall.

Guests enjoyed tasty food and drink that was prepared and served by the Social Events Committee, including Jenny Cranston, Marilyn Jones, Marylouise Brammer, Eve Morris and Carol Mackel. Committee members Peter Jones and Neil Cranston managed the bar where they served champagne and wine with skill and style. Nicky McGibben provided invaluable assistance throughout the afternoon and Charles Morgan warmly welcomed guests to the event.

Eleven-year-old James McSwan distributed drinks tickets at the door and helped clean up after the event. He also told two jokes, which were well-received by those in attendance! We believe this will be a regular gig at future events. We were pleased to have 93-year-old Eddy Westburgh in the crowd again as our most senior member.

The Hall looked lovely, with colourful flowers collected and assembled by the Social Committee. Guests shared cheerful conversation and lots of laughter, indicating once more that community members relish the opportunity to engage in social interaction with their friends and neighbours.

We were pleased to welcome several new members to the Association and look forward to seeing them at future events.

Spring Event 2023