Sketches by Albuera Street School students
This story is by Sharron Baird, Grade 2 teacher at Albuera Street School
This story is by Sharron Baird, Grade 2 teacher at Albuera Street School
As part of our History work in 2020, students in Grades 1 and 2 from Albuera Street School have been studying the role of artefacts in learning about the past.
We have also looked to our local area and did a walk through the Sullivans Cove / Battery Point area. We took some photos and back in class, some of us created art works.
We were also very fortunate to have Charles Morgan, a long time Battery Point resident, history buff and our Gemma’s grandpa, come to talk to us. Thanks to Annick at Annick’s Antiques and Scott Carlin at Narryna, Charles was able to share some intriguing historical artefacts from Battery Point. The real artefacts and the stories of Battery Point in the past really helped bring our local history alive.