Petition about large tourist buses
The Battery Point Community Association is proposing the following petition to the Hobart City Council. Residents and those interested in the historic fabric of Battery Point are invited to sign.
Subject Matter
The impact of diesel fumes from large tourist buses on the health of residents and visitors to Battery Point.
The impact of large tourist buses on the historic fabric of Battery Point.
Action sought by the petitioners
It is requested that the Hobart City Council ban all diesel tourist buses and those with a carrying capacity greater than twenty people from travelling through the historic suburb of Battery Point.
Impact of tourist buses
This petition is now closed.
Data Final: Sep 17, 2023
Signatures collected: 20
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We ask for your name and address in order to satisfy the petition requirements of section 57 of the Local Government Act 1993.
We ask for your email address so we can verify that it is you signing the petition. This helps ensure the integrity of the petition. When you click the Sign Now button, you will be send an email with a link. Please click on this link to confirm that it is your email address. You have not signed the petition until you do this.
Your name and address will be included in the petition sent to the Hobart City Council. Your email address will not be sent to the Hobart City Council.
Your details are stored internally on our server for the duration of the petition. No information is shared with a third party other than the recipient of the petition, in this case the Hobart City Council.
We do not use your email address or other information for any purposes other than the petition. Your email address is not added to our mailing list. If you would like to join the Association, click here.
Don’t worry if you accidentally sign the petition more than once. Duplicate entries are automatically excluded from the final petition.
Once the petition has been finalised, the data will be kept for long enough to ensure that it has been received by the Hobart City Council and to address any follow up queries they might have. The data is then deleted permanently.
The signature count does not include people who might have signed a paper version of the petition.