Memories of a Battery Point Boy

In this story, John Kenny tells of his experiences as a teenager living in Battery Point in the 1950s.

I have written in the first person, but I hope that readers see this as more than just a story about me. I hope it gives some idea about what life was like for young people in the early 1950s and about society generally at the time. I am 80 years old writing about things that happened nearly 70 years ago. Some of my memories may not be completely accurate and if you are able to correct any mistakes, please do so!

My father Jack had a beautiful Perce (Percy) Coverdale built clinker dinghy, which had gunwales and a base midship to which the inboard engine could be attached.

See these links for more information on Perce Coverdale: Australian Dictionary of Biography and Maritime Times of Tasmania [via eHive]