Local Area Mobility Plan
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The Hobart City Council is developing a Local Area Mobility Plan (LAMP) for Battery Point. On the dates below, HCC officers will be at the Battery Point Community Hall for drop-in sessions to provide information and enable community members to share their ideas about what is needed to make it easier to move in and around the suburb.
These sessions will be very important in developing a plan for mobility in Battery Point and we encourage you to provide your input. It is anticipated that a Draft LAMP will be ready for presentation to the public in February next year, at which time community members will have the opportunity to respond to what is proposed.
The drop-in sessions will enable you to share your ideas about walking and riding in Battery Point as well as presenting your views on how E-Scooters, traffic, parking and tourist buses impact on mobility.
Saturday 12 November 9 am – midday
Monday 14 November 9 am – midday and 1 pm – 3.30 pm
Tuesday 15 November 9 am – midday
You can also put forward your concerns and suggestions at the Council’s Your Say Hobart website.