2022 Second Hand Book Fair
Call for donations of books, puzzles, games, records, and DVDs
Following on from the outstanding success of last year’s event, we currently organising the 2022 Battery Point Community Association Second Hand Book Fair.
Committee member Marylouise Brammer has created a wonderful poster and flier to promote the event. You can see the poster below and might recognise celebrated Tasmanian artist Peter Gouldthorpe’s delightful portrait of Beau the Poodle on the poster.
We need fiction and non-fiction, children’s books, gardening, recipe and DYI books. We are also interested in puzzles, games, records, and DVDs. We do not need textbooks, magazines, or encyclopaedias. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Please bring your donations to the back door of the Community Hall at the times indicated on the poster. If it is difficult for you to deliver your books, we can arrange to pick them up from you. Please contact us here.
This is a great opportunity for you to clean out books that you have read and re-stock with new books to take you through a winter of reading!