Battery Point Community Assistance Network
Dear Battery Point Community Association Members and members of our local community
The Battery Point Community Association is supporting an initiative of local members to facilitate the offering of help to members of our community who may be self-isolating or just need some assistance in the coming months of the COVID-19 pandemic. BPCA member Jenny Cranston has kindly offered to coordinate this activity.
The principle behind the initiative is that Battery Point residents can support and look out for each other as we strengthen the bonds of community welfare and collegiality. The COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE NETWORK (CAN) will co-ordinate offers of help and put people in touch with others requiring it. So what CAN you do to help? Here are some ideas:
· Over the fence visits (adhering to social distancing rules)
· Make a savoury/sweet dish
· Supply fresh produce if you grow any
· Walk a dog (or two)
· Do shopping other errands
· And … ?
People who might need assistance include self-isolating residents, those sick and quarantined, the elderly or immobile, those with compromised health … really anyone who puts up their hand!
If you can offer any assistance to fellow BPCA members, please let us know, along with what you might be able to provide. This is not a commitment as circumstances may alter for you; just an indication of possible service/s you may be able to assist with at some time.
How to contact us? Click here to go to the Contact page on the Battery Point Community Association website. A space for your details and a message will appear for you to complete and send back.
Please share this communication with any members of our community who may miss it (non-members of the BPCA), especially those who may be vulnerable and potentially in need of assistance in the future. You may need to be creative in reaching those you suspect do not have access to email.
We look forward to hearing from you as we support each other in these challenging times. Let’s look out and care for each other. That’s what strong communities do – Battery Point community CAN do this.
With best wishes
Charles Morgan
President (on behalf of the Committee)