Street sketches old & new
Battery Point community members have taken up the challenge to take a photograph from the position adopted by Alfred Reynolds, long time Rector of St George’s, as he drew his delightful sketches.
The full collection of sketches that originally accompanied the regular St George’s Church newsletters of the late 1950s and early 1960s as ‘Street of the Week’ can be seen in the story Battery Point Street Sketches.
The sketches are used with the kind permission of their owner, community member Kathy Rundle.
Use the right and left arrows on each set of images to scroll through the original sketch and the modern photos. On a touch device, tap on an image to see the arrows. Some sketches have one modern photo, some have more, so always try the right arrow again to see if another interpretation is hiding just a click away.
If you would like to add your own interpretation to this collection, contact us by clicking here and we will let you know how to upload your photographs. It is important to take your photos in landscape and, please, do not edit them. Send us the original and we can best get them ready for the website. It is a lot less work for you and for us that way.